Ember CLI

A robust development toolkit to create, develop, and build Ember applications

The Ember CLI (command line interface) is the official way to create, build, test, and serve the files that make up an Ember.js app or addon. Many things have to happen before any web app is ready for the browser, and the Ember CLI helps you get there with zero configuration.


There are thousands of JavaScript libraries that work great in Ember. When an npm package offers some Ember-specific conveniences, we call it an “addon.” Ember CLI’s addon system provides a way to create reusable units of code, share components and styling, extend the build tooling, and more — all with minimal configuration. To view a complete list of addons, visit EmberObserver. You can still use your favorite npm packages directly too. If they are not available as addons yet, you can add them into your build pipeline or create your own addon wrappers.

Assets Compilation

Ember CLI’s asset compilation system has out-of-the-box support for:

Basic Commands

ember serve: Start a local ember server with livereload on file modifications (for development purpose)

ember build: Build an ember app distributable bundle into ./dist folder

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